Galactic Guardians
Dive into the extraordinary universe of "Galactic Guardians: The Everyday of Astronauts," a celestial adventure that invites all ages to unleash their creativity and explore the daily lives of space explorers. Through a galaxy of thought-provoking subtopics, from the thrill of eating space food in zero gravity to the excitement of friendly encounters with aliens, this competition sparks the imagination to new heights. Participants will journey through the routine and the remarkable aspects of space travel, from spacewalks and scientific experiments to the psychological journey of long-term missions and the vision of interplanetary travel. It's a unique opportunity to envision the future of humanity beyond Earth, imagining the innovation, challenges, and joys that come with living among the stars. Let's embark on this interstellar voyage together, drawing the dreams of tomorrow and the adventures that await in the vast expanse of space.